Saturday, January 2, 2010

My First Post of the New Year

Happy New Year everyone!
What did you do??
I stayed in and watched lots and lots of movie and baked lemon bars. My family greatly enjoyed them. Then we rang in the new year with apple cider! Yum!

Today, I went bowling. Normally I am plain awful with the gutters, but I actually won all of my games! I was very proud of myself! Of course, I didnt get past 80, but that's ok! haha

So, now we prepare for school- blech- as the winter vacation rapidly closes. Did you go some where exotic, or have a staycation? What do you plan to do for the new year?
What is your new years resolution?
Mine is too finish decorating my room and to keep it clean. The next step is to make a window seat cushion, but the price for a custom cushion almost made me faint!

Here is a picture of my bed:

You like? I know you do.. :)

So, i need to make a cushion to make that! Yep!

Tonight, I am having a small dinner party, so I must leave my posting now and go get ready!
Much love!