Sunday, March 28, 2010

Obsessions of Pandora

Currently, I am obsessed with Pandora! However, I do not like that 40 hrs restriction or having only a select amount of skip buttons! right now i am listening to my SPRING AWAKENING station- and I love it!!!! the song "Guilty Ones" is playing right now but i think my favorite song in the show is "I don't Do sadness/ Grey Winds"

Pandora and music in general gives me inspiration for writing. ironically, i am supposed to be writing a poem about my own war and i think it is quite well written, but i just am not sure how to continue on with it. then, my mind floated to facebook then my blog to write about how music get's my brain juice's flowing. its as if i am typing to the beat.... but then i would be typing reallllyyyy slowly! :)

well... i think i got the juices flowing now!
xoxo, j

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