Friday, March 26, 2010

What I love about Spring

here is a random posting of scribbles and sorts

a random thoughts posting of.... hmmmmm

i currently have spring fever; i want spring break but right now i am teching for my school show the producers! have you ever seen mr. h in is dancing shoes? i now have!

and what's perfect is that there is a song called springtime for hitler.... OH SPRING!SPRING! everything blossoms and smells so clean and pure.

i like to sit in my front yard on a towel with my dog, Daisy ( ironically this blog is named after her.... and i just like spring.... bt i was not thinking of spring when i named her, rather and spunk and energy!)

but anways, i like to sit on a towel and read and tan out there. a perfect spring day is the greatest way to relax and just chill. i mean spring is just so relaxing and enegizing at the same time. of course, it is time that i get back to my school work... yes on a friday night because why should i just sit backstage and not do anything productive... eh? homework is such a downer- especially when it is warm outside and still daylight.

that's all for what was supposed to be a brief post! i love you all who read AND PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!

xoxo, j

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