Friday, November 20, 2009

A Lot Happens in a Week

So.. sorry my lovies for not writing. My life has been extremely hectic recently! Last weekend, I went to Camp Ramah Darom in GA and hung out with all of my USY friends for the weekend. Then, I came home and worked on schoolwork into the night. My weeks have been so long, filled with homework. I am getting behind, especially since i Saw NEE MOON LAST NIGHT!

Yes, I saw a special 9 pm screening with my friend. I like this movie so much better than Twilight. I was not to happy with Dakota Fanning's role as Jane-it disappointed me. Not a good role for her; it was kinda creepy. HOWEVER, TAYLOR LAUTNER IS FREAKING GORGEOUS! CALL ME TAYLOR! I LOVE YOU!

Now, since it is almost Turkey break, the teachers ALL decide to give tuesday tests...THAT'S RIGHT... 4 TESTS IN ONE DAY! WHOOPDIE DOO!

Tell me about your hectic schedules? what are yyour plans this holdiday? Mine def includes some shopping tomorrow... and ap studying!
Well, that's all for now...

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