Sunday, November 8, 2009

Taylor Swift on SNL

Taylor Swift was on SNL last night, and she was fabulous. She hosted and performed- a rare treat for fans. Very few performers have done both halves of SNL! I am so proud Taylor! The Monologue song had me cracking up. However, she should have mentioned the Fresh Yellow Daisies-in her monologue. I was waiting for Kanye to come interrupt Taylor at any know... Kenan Thompson could have been Kanye any day.

Lets Talk Acting:

I liked the T.R.A.A.P.E.D skit... that reminds me of my parents! Also, the wedding scene was hysterical. Oh, Taylor Swift is amazing! Then the View sketch was quite sketchy... but the psychotic lady next to Taylor was funny! Taylor sure had a business in the front, party in the back look!

I notice how Kate Gosselin is being targeted everywhere in the media. I mean on Halloween Regis and Kelly and Speidi were dressed up as Kate and Jon. I find this business is getting old....
Newsflash- Kate and Jon are out. Let's keep it fresh! We should focus on Fergie's hb supposedly cheating on her with a stripper! Maybe Taylor should have played Fergie.

The one performance that can not be forgotten is Taylor Swift as Stella in Firelight! I am so excited to see the spoof on Twilight with Phillip the Frankenstein! Hahahahahaha. Notice Anything?

Let's Talk Performance:

"You Belong with Me" is an amazing song.... no doubt.... but it sounded so much better in concert! I have the guitarist's guitar pick from his concert!

"Untouchable" was such a beautiful song. I heard it the first time on Taylor's new platinum cd.

Let's Talk Fashion!

Ok... We all know that Taylor has a tendency to wear sparkly, sequined adorned clothes. However, Tay looked beautiful last night! From the black, to beige to the ballgown worn for "Untouchable." I must say, Taylor's dress was beautiful, but the guitar ruined the dress..... I think a different dress would have been more appropiate for that song because the dress was being obscured by the guitar.
My favorite dress was the navy dress from the Wedding classic!

Let's Talk Photography:
Taylor Swift's SNL photos were beautiful and edgy. I love the photos that the SNL photographers take; the colors are so vivid!

1 comment:

  1. Look it's Kanye West in the security guards picture! HAHAHAHA

    When will he interupt you?
