Sunday, September 19, 2010

Where have I been!!

Wow! it has been a long time since my last blog? I mean: WHERE HAVE I BEEN? IT HAS BEEN 6 MONTHS! Well, besides the fact that I don't like logging my main gmail out, cause i have a hard time spelling it, I have been extremely busy. For instance, ever since school started, i have been quadruple booked today! I am just overcommited. Before the night ends, I need to make a plain dress more tacky, write a paper, study for a physics test that I have no clue what I am doing, do my spanish homework, and just chill. I mean, this week will be even more stressed than this week. Let me say this, junior year sucks... and it's only the 4th or 5th week! I am ranting, and i am stressed, but aren't we all!

Anyways, in the past 6 months, I have been all around the world, no joke: boston,cape cod, martha's vineyard florida, Italy, France, Monaco, Spain... and now I am getting into the college mode too, so don;t get me started on the colleges I am now obsessed with. BU! BU! BU.... you know, Boston University really is da bomb- if you know what i mean.... and it is just a couple doors down from my dear old "Spare Change News"

Now, this post deserves a ton of photos to break up this rant, but if you have been paying close attention to my words, you should be able to tell that I am super busy and should not be doing this right now... so back to my essay on the Crucible. Here is something funny: last week's project runway had references to the Crucible... you know what i mean... christopher's pilgrim green skirt..... AND, IT WAS ALL ABOUT JACKIE O! my life was complete. because i LOVE Jackie O, she is such an icon

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Obsessions of Pandora

Currently, I am obsessed with Pandora! However, I do not like that 40 hrs restriction or having only a select amount of skip buttons! right now i am listening to my SPRING AWAKENING station- and I love it!!!! the song "Guilty Ones" is playing right now but i think my favorite song in the show is "I don't Do sadness/ Grey Winds"

Pandora and music in general gives me inspiration for writing. ironically, i am supposed to be writing a poem about my own war and i think it is quite well written, but i just am not sure how to continue on with it. then, my mind floated to facebook then my blog to write about how music get's my brain juice's flowing. its as if i am typing to the beat.... but then i would be typing reallllyyyy slowly! :)

well... i think i got the juices flowing now!
xoxo, j

Friday, March 26, 2010

What I love about Spring

here is a random posting of scribbles and sorts

a random thoughts posting of.... hmmmmm

i currently have spring fever; i want spring break but right now i am teching for my school show the producers! have you ever seen mr. h in is dancing shoes? i now have!

and what's perfect is that there is a song called springtime for hitler.... OH SPRING!SPRING! everything blossoms and smells so clean and pure.

i like to sit in my front yard on a towel with my dog, Daisy ( ironically this blog is named after her.... and i just like spring.... bt i was not thinking of spring when i named her, rather and spunk and energy!)

but anways, i like to sit on a towel and read and tan out there. a perfect spring day is the greatest way to relax and just chill. i mean spring is just so relaxing and enegizing at the same time. of course, it is time that i get back to my school work... yes on a friday night because why should i just sit backstage and not do anything productive... eh? homework is such a downer- especially when it is warm outside and still daylight.

that's all for what was supposed to be a brief post! i love you all who read AND PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!

xoxo, j

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My First Post of the New Year

Happy New Year everyone!
What did you do??
I stayed in and watched lots and lots of movie and baked lemon bars. My family greatly enjoyed them. Then we rang in the new year with apple cider! Yum!

Today, I went bowling. Normally I am plain awful with the gutters, but I actually won all of my games! I was very proud of myself! Of course, I didnt get past 80, but that's ok! haha

So, now we prepare for school- blech- as the winter vacation rapidly closes. Did you go some where exotic, or have a staycation? What do you plan to do for the new year?
What is your new years resolution?
Mine is too finish decorating my room and to keep it clean. The next step is to make a window seat cushion, but the price for a custom cushion almost made me faint!

Here is a picture of my bed:

You like? I know you do.. :)

So, i need to make a cushion to make that! Yep!

Tonight, I am having a small dinner party, so I must leave my posting now and go get ready!
Much love!

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Lot Happens in a Week

So.. sorry my lovies for not writing. My life has been extremely hectic recently! Last weekend, I went to Camp Ramah Darom in GA and hung out with all of my USY friends for the weekend. Then, I came home and worked on schoolwork into the night. My weeks have been so long, filled with homework. I am getting behind, especially since i Saw NEE MOON LAST NIGHT!

Yes, I saw a special 9 pm screening with my friend. I like this movie so much better than Twilight. I was not to happy with Dakota Fanning's role as Jane-it disappointed me. Not a good role for her; it was kinda creepy. HOWEVER, TAYLOR LAUTNER IS FREAKING GORGEOUS! CALL ME TAYLOR! I LOVE YOU!

Now, since it is almost Turkey break, the teachers ALL decide to give tuesday tests...THAT'S RIGHT... 4 TESTS IN ONE DAY! WHOOPDIE DOO!

Tell me about your hectic schedules? what are yyour plans this holdiday? Mine def includes some shopping tomorrow... and ap studying!
Well, that's all for now...

Monday, November 9, 2009


10. Today I checked my facebook before my boyfriends of 2 years got home. His status was " About to propose, wish me luck " I 'liked' his status. MLIA

9.Today I tried number 153 of 333 ways to be kicked out of Wal-Mart. It said to scream in pain until someone comes along and asks what's wrong then act as if nothing happened. I live where there are no wal-marts so I went to Woolworth's and tried it. As my head was in my hands and I was screaming someone came up behind me and said 'This isn't wal-mart.' Patted my shoulder and walked away. Touche. MLIA

8. Today, I bought a fancy new black SUV Hummer. When I went to pick up my son from school, I put on a black suit, dark shades, and my blue-tooth earpiece. I waltzed into his last period class 10 minutes before it was over, and announced "Agent 03, It's time to go" At which point he nodded and packed his belongings and ran out. The face on his teacher was priceless. I hope my boss understands why I had to miss work. MLIA.

7. Today, I saw a commercial for the Snuggie. I thought it was stupid idea but I couldn't change the channel because I was under a blanket and I didn't want my arms to get cold. MLIA

6.Tonight, I was listening to the radio on my way home. “Heartless” by Kanye West came on, a few seconds into the song, the DJ stopped it and said “just kidding!” and proceeded to play “You Belong with Me” by Taylor Swift. This made my whole day. MLIA

5. Today, I was sitting in my room and heard a little boy outside sneeze. I said bless you, and five seconds later, I heard a very hesitant...."God??." MLIA

4.Today, while eating M&M's I found a purple M&M in my bag. I'm onto you, red and blue. MLIA.

3.Today, my boyfriend an I broke up. Naturally I was blasting Taylor Swift with the windows down. As I pulled up to a red light, I noticed a guy in his 20's listening to Taylor Swift with his windows down too. He looked at me and simply asked "break up?" I nodded and he said me too. It made my day just a little better. MLIA

2.A while ago in my AP Chemistry class, this one annoying kid and my friend were having a weird argument about who was better. The annoying kid said, "Well, at least I have a girlfriend!" to which I responded, "Whatever. Your girlfriend has 67 protons." In response, the entire class, including the teacher, turned their heads to look at the periodic table on the wall. The element with 67 protons is holmium, with the chemical symbol "Ho." My teacher was the first to laugh. MLIA

1.Today, we got our math tests back after being graded. One of my answers I knew was wrong, so I had drawn a stick figure next to it with the caption "this is a ninja in disguise. He is here to guard my answer from the Red Pen.". Next to my answer my teacher wrote "you need a new ninja." He had graded my test in blue. MLIA.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sparks Fly

My Best Friend Molly just won her soccer team's championships today! She is an amazing soccer player and friend! I am so proud of her! This is one of the joy's of life that should be celebrated! Yay Molly!